Tuesday, January 29, 2008

SanrioTown Blog of the Week!

Gone are the days where fathers are distant to their kids, spending more time outside the house than with the children. Now, they are more pro-active in their role in the family in every sense, from having fun with them to helping them in school stuff. Such is the case of this blogger.

"All About Kyle" is made by a father and a husband (another male blogger here on SanrioTown!) Most of his entries are centered on his son, Jared Kyle, and the rest of his family, whom he is very close to. His entries are about being a father, a husband, and even as a son. His stories follow that theme, and his tone ranges from the humorous (such as the adventures he, his wife, and his son have) to the serious (what it's like to be a family man).


Read up on his stories by going to http://blog.sanriotown.com/jaredkyle:hellokitty.com.

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